The Tempe High School Library is a vibrant, welcoming and inclusive space with staff who help, support, and encourage students in their pursuit of knowledge and lifelong learning. We have a full-time qualified Teacher Librarian and a full-time Library Assistant to help students and staff with research queries, access to a range of resources, printing, and circulation.
Resource Collection for loan:
- An extensive collection of books, as well as eBooks, covering a wide range of reading levels.
- Current Preliminary and HSC study guides for all subjects.
- There is a small number of chromebooks available for students to borrow for use at school if needed.
- Clickview – an online library of educational videos where students can access age-appropriate documentaries and films.
- Maths Faculty approved calculators.
Library Catalogue
The library catalogue, Oliver, can be accessed through the Department’s portal. Users can search for resources in the School library as well as borrow eBooks through Oliver. Oliver also allows students to reserve books, leave book reviews and discover similar books available. The ‘Search other sources’ option shows what is available not only in the School library but also in various data bases, other Department of Education libraries and places such as the local Marrickville Library, the State Library, The Australian Museum and Trove.
Library Facilities
- Modern ergonomic furniture
- A Senior Study room
- Multiple teaching spaces with a display panel and multimedia support
- A small group tutorial/languages room used by students studying languages through the NSW School of Languages.